At East Suburban Citizen Advocacy, we get together each Monday (except major holidays) to discuss our weekends, things going on in our lives, and make connections. It is FREE and anyone is welcome to pop in. No registration required. Face to Face at our office 4559 Old William Penn Hwy Suite #200 in Murrysville.
Please RSVP below. This is an inclusive group of all abilities open to the public. We ask ages 12 and up please due to the tools and material used. The projects are different each class. Necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc. with different materials. Donations of $10 in cash when you attend is appreciated so that we […]
ESCA is having a FREE movie afternoon to get into the holiday spirit! We will be at Newlonsburg Presbyterian Church and will provide popcorn and drinks. Please feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks if preferred. We do need everyone to register due to limited space at the link provided.